In the bustling heart of the Distrito Nacional, Santo Domingo, Fernando, a dedicated founder and leader, embarked on a mission to understand the livelihoods of the Haitian immigrant community. He meticulously interviewed 100 Haitians from diverse backgrounds. Surprisingly, his findings revealed that a substantial 78% of these individuals were engaged in informal labor, toiling for meager wages or less, highlighting the harsh realities they faced. With a 95% confidence interval, Fernando's survey shed light on a hidden world of resilience and hardship within the Dominican Republic's vibrant capital, where the true proportion of such workers was estimated to fall between 69.89% and 86.11%. Compared to the government's and other media's negative estimates which claimed only 20% of Haitians worked. Fernando disproved this flawed statistics by showing that most Haitians do in fact work, just informally.
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Haitians all around the Dominican Republic deserve better for their labor. The way firms treat them is a violation to their natural rights!